Say Yes to Design and Multimedia Outsourcing

Current trend in multimedia and design outsourcing

In the recent age, web based global technological interaction has become the trend and most of the successful businesses have gained success through a strong web presence. This trend is so strong nowadays that it has become a must for the businesses to possess unique and interesting websites to enhance their business communication with their consumers. All the businesses need are decent websites that offer related information and useful content wanted by the existing and the potential customers. And in order to create a unique web site, you need to get the website designed by some professional web designers in addition; you can also include multimedia content in the website.

Multimedia content usually refers to a mix of dynamic audio-visual content like audio, video, still image, animation and so on, along with static text. From web pages to company presentations and business newsletters, the use of design and multimedia is extensive.

Why should you outsource

For many companies, the need for having design and multimedia contents is quite seasonal and it is definitely not a good choice to appoint a part of your IT division just for this type of task if you do not have a regular flow of work for them. Therefore, this designing and multimedia content creation is usually outsourced to many companies where multimedia generating and designing are not included in the core Information system (like it is in the printing and media industry). And if you have already tried to get it done by any local design company, you probably have already experienced the expensive quotes from the local design studios.

In order to keep focus on the core IT procedures and to get cost effective design solutions for the multimedia contents, many companies nowadays prefer to pick a suitable offshore design studio or a designer to get their work done. In a nutshell, the major benefits of outsourcing your graphic design and multimedia content creation are:

• Cost effective solution offering competitive rate structure
• Wide range of skilled and qualified graphic designers and multimedia creators
• Complete consultation for your design and multimedia needs
• Fast and reliable service.
• Easy and continuous communication enabling quick response to feedback.

There are many services offered by the offshore designers like creating web pages or any sort of multimedia content. The range of services offered by the offshore design and multimedia teams/individuals are quite wide. In the current market, the most common set of services are as follows:

Graphic Design
• Company Brochure, Newsletters, Web/Print Media Advertisements, Product Catalogues,
• Logo design,
• Banner design for WebPages,
• Other web graphics and static webpage design,
• Official envelopes, business letterheads, visiting cards etc.
• Design of calendars, posters, diaries or other promotional materials.

Multimedia Content
• Flash intro for Websites or Presentations
• Websites Based on Flash
• Flash Animations and Games
• 2D or 3D Multimedia Games
• Official Presentations
• Interactive or electronic catalogue
• Audio and Video Editing

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